Finally! Here are some pictures of our travels. There are many more to come, but for now this is the beginnings of our trip in Las Vegas where we had an awesome steak dinner with Nate Porter and Cassalynn David. We went climbing at Red Rocks outside of Las Vegas for a few days, then meandered our way down to Joshua Tree National Park where we got our butts thoroughly kicked!! It was a beautiful and wonderful place though and I left wishing that we had more time there!
So the pictures are in reverse order, the first one is us sweating our butts off in Nicaragua, the 2nd is at Joshua Tree, the 3rd is our stoic picture of us at Lake Meade (I think!) the 4th is our deelicious steak dinner and the last is Nate and Evan kickin it with the cowboy on Fremont street in Las Vegas!! I don't know how to turn the picture, sorry!!!
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